
[![pypi Version](]( [![Downloads](]( [![Open In Colab](]( [![Streamlit App](]( [![API Call](]( [![Docker Call](]( [![HuggingFace](]( [![Documentation Status](]( [![Code style: black](]( ![keytotext]( Idea is to build a model which will take keywords as inputs and generate sentences as outputs. Potential use case can include: - Marketing - Search Engine Optimization - Topic generation etc. - Fine tuning of topic modeling models ## Model: Keytotext is based on the Amazing T5 Model: [![HuggingFace](]( - `k2t`: [Model]( - `k2t-tiny`: [Model]( - `k2t-base`: [Model]( - `mrm8488/t5-base-finetuned-common_gen` (by Manuel Romero): [Model]( Training Notebooks can be found in the [`Training Notebooks`]( Folder **Note**: To add your own model to keytotext Please read [`Models Documentation`]( ## Usage: Example usage: [![Open In Colab](]( Example Notebooks can be found in the [`Notebooks`]( Folder ```shell script pip install keytotext ``` ![carbon (3)]( ## Trainer: Keytotext now has a trainer class than be used to train and finetune any T5 based model on new data. Trainer docs here: [`Docs`]( Trainer example here: [![Open In Colab](]( ```python from keytotext import trainer ``` ![carbon (6)]( ## UI: UI: [![Streamlit App](]( ```shell script pip install streamlit-tags ``` This uses a custom streamlit component built by me: [GitHub]( ![image]( ## API: API: [![API Call](](http://localhost:8000/api?data=[%22India%22,%22Capital%22,%22New%20Delhi%22]) [![Docker Call](]( The API is hosted in the Docker container and it can be run quickly. Follow instructions below to get started ```shell script docker pull gagan30/keytotext docker run -dp 8000:8000 gagan30/keytotext ``` This will start the api at port 8000 visit the url below to get the results as below: ``` http://localhost:8000/api?data=["India","Capital","New Delhi"] ``` ![k2t_json]( Note: The Hosted API is only available on demand ## BibTex: To quote keytotext please use this citation ```bibtex @misc{bhatia, title={keytotext}, url={}, journal={GitHub}, author={Bhatia, Gagan} } ``` # References - (Shivanand Roy) - (Suraj Patil) - (Mathew Alexander) ## Articles about keytotext: - (Mathew Alexander) - Amazing Video by [1LittleCoder]( here: about keytotext - (Prakhar Mishra)